Toy Talk

I often look at the Toy Talk website.

Check out

Toy Talk

as an example of what can be found there.

Le Toy Van Website

Check out the new rotating images at Le Toy Vans site. well worth a look.

I'll be reviewing some of these toys soon.

Micro Scooters - still the best.

It seems that the enduring popularity of the micro scooter continues. Available in blue or pink its amazing how many children you see riding them to and from school.
Light enough to be carried should your child not to want to ride anymore they are a parents firm favourite.

I would highly recommend them to anyone looking for a child's first scooter and they are well worth the £45 - £50 price tag.

Guru Rating 5/5

Search for Toys with the Toy Guru


I've been away from the UK for almost a year travelling around the world, so I havn't had a chance to keep this blog going. But I'm back now so will post again more regularly.

I start a new job next week again in the toy trade so I will start bringing you toy reviews again really soon.